Thursday, August 28, 2008

The V.P. is an important choice

We will soon find out who John McCain selected as his V.P. In a previous post I shared how I am considering sitting out the election. I have not come to that decision yet...
McCain's selection for the V.P. will be part of what I consider when making a decision to vote or not to vote. If McCain chooses as V.P. a person who supports abortion, homosexual marriage and embryonic stem cell research...then I would be hard pressed to vote in this election. This may be the time for me to stop voting for the lesser of two evils. If McCain truly supports life then why would he select a V.P. who does not support those values. I know that many are concerned about the economy and so am I but we cannot serve two masters...we cannot serve God and Mammon...I am struggling with this because I do not want to see what will become of America if the other candidate wins this election...but I am becoming more and more convinced that I should not continue to elect candidates who support laws that defy God. The lesser of two evils is still evil. I am praying that McCain will seek wisdom from the Lord as He announces who his running mate will be and that America will repent and turn back to God.


Plant Lady said...

I don't really like to discuss politics, but I will weigh in on this. First of all, let me say that I oppose abortion and same sex marriage! When it comes to voting, these are my thoughts. To sit an election out (not exercising your right to vote) you are indeed CHOOSING. Let me explain what I mean. As we have seen in recent elections (national and local) winners are sometimes decided by just a few votes. I have seen canidates that stood for all the WRONG things (issues) win because those who opposed them FAILED to exercise their vote in opposition to them! With that being said, their CHOICE to sit out a vote was in reality a vote FOR the person whose stand they oppose.

I believe God has given us a blessing to live in a free country where we have the right (and I believe, obligation)to exercise our voice and make our government abide by those views set forth by our founding fathers.
Government is not perfect and there will always be things that we do not all agree with, but I believe, with God's guidance, we can still vote and let our voices be heard. To remain silent, I'm afraid is the greater of the evils you talk about! For example, ONE vocal woman (Madeline Murray O'Hare) was responsible for taking prayer out of our public schools.
She was able to do this because the Christian community remained SILENT on that issue! Look how far reaching that one decision has affected us today. We can no longer distribute Bibles in schools, have a couple of states that now endorse same sex marriages, etc.

I do not agree with all the positions any canidate takes, but I must decide which one will best accomplish that which will please God.

A final thought: God instituted the government. It is all within HIS power to control and He knows better that I, just how He will bring about His Purposes.

I WILL be voting in this election, with God's guidance.

With love,
Plant Lady

debrah said...

I thank you plant lady for your comments...Years ago I became a republican because of the Abortion issue and believed that they stood for life. If they intend to place a pro-choice candidate on the ticket I see no reason to vote republican...I am also wary of those who changed their stance on abortion when they run for President-especially those who were pro-choice and pro same-sex marriage when they held other government positions.
As far as being silent...I will not be silenced...I am just refusing to help put in office those who have little or no regard for life. Our government has made into law things that oppose God. How can we agree with laws that oppose the Word of God? I thank you for taking the time to comment as I try to sort through all this.

debrah said...
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