Friday, August 22, 2008

Valley of Indecision

A few months ago we began to set aside a specific time each week to pray for our Nation. Last week we participated in praying and fasting for our Nation. I confess in the past I had voted for the lesser of two evils...right before the primaries a new thing was stirring in my heart...and then I heard it out of the mouth of others....the possibility of sitting out this election...I have not come to the decision to sit it out... but it still remains a possibility...I have and do take every election very seriously...Even when the candidate that I voted for doesn't win... I am still so very grateful to live in a country where we have the freedom to elect our I do not take a decision to sit out this year lightly...But my heart is what point do I stop supporting a candidate that opposes the Word of God... just because He/She is the lesser of two evils?


Worshippingeagle said...

For a time, I too thought I might not cast my vote in this election as neither candidate appears to be represent the full Word of God. However, my husband pointed out to me that 'a no vote' for either party is a 'yes vote' for the individual I really would not like to see in office.
Then, I believe the HS whispered in my heart that whether our interaction with our fellow human is a politician, a co-worker, a neighbor or a stranger, a sinner is a sinner. In otherwords, the political 'lesser of 2 evils' may not appear to be close to God but no more a sinner than you or I. And, since we are commanded to pray for those in political authority over us, we are not excused from participating in our governmental elections. Rather, we have a duty to put the best possible candidate into office and cover them with prayer, then stand and trust our heavenly Father will use that soul. thought is how much better to have someone in office that has already laid his life down for another...that is biblical and a lot more than a lot of us have done who do truly love the Lord.
I have been persuaded that I will be voting in this election.

debrah said...

Worshippingeagle -thank you for your comments...this is a weighty time for all of us...I have and am struggling with the issues that you stated...things such as a no for one candidate is a yes for the other...but I also struggle with the lesser of two evils in still evil...I agree we are all sinners. Our elected officials have the power to create legislation,vote on legislation and appoint judges. I am not referring to personal sin which again I agree we are all sinners. But this year my heart is convicted on electing officials who are in agreement with laws that defy God. I can no longer in good conscience vote for any candidate(this includes the V.P. position) who supports abortion or homosexual marriage. I also am praying for discernment...that I don't support or vote for a candidate who makes statements they believe I as a Christian want to hear in order to vote for them. This is a struggle for me...I thank you for your comments as I continue to weigh these issues...I want to hear as many thoughts on this as make the best decision I can make means that I weigh all the information thank you for taking the time to comment...

Worshippingeagle said...

Hi Debrah,
It's great how transparent you let yourself be in sharing the revelation God is using in your life to refine you. I so identify with you on being a muddied work in progress. I often talk back to God when he is letting things become uncomfortable in my life. The gifts He gives us are often such a two-edged sword. He makes us bold and strong in an area so we can accomplish His plan. In the World a controlling personality is admired. In God's hands, that character trait is gently , or not so gently  dealt with, depending on how long the Lord has been working with us in an area. What’s a wonderful sign of His long suffering love, is that, like King David, God looks at our heart, and less at our behavior.