Monday, April 21, 2008

Self presevation vs the Surrendered life

The Lord ask us to forgive those who hurt us, bless them who curse you...We are to consider others more than has been about three weeks since I have been hurt by someone in the church...I have found another place to worship and fellowship. But my prayers for those who hurt me are superficial at best...I believe that the Lord is showing me that my focus in on self and He wants my focus to be on Him to trust Him and keep those who hurt me in prayer with an open heart of compassion. I believe the Lord would have me stop trying to protect myself and trust Him to protect me. I don't want to give them an opportunity to hurt me again and this makes sense to me...but living in fear is not of the Lord. My prayer was and remains for the Lord to show me how to work through this - How to let go of self and love them I don't know how to do this- but I am prayerfully seeking the Lord to do this work in my heart. I believe this is a request He will Honor because it is His will that we love one another. My mind keeps reasoning so I am also asking Jesus to be Lord of my thoughts and in the name of Jesus cast out all thoughts that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God. I am beginning to see that I should read Romans again and perhaps again: I know what to do but the thing that I should do I do not...
Thank God for His Word and for those who teach , preach and testify of His Word. His word is a Living Word.

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