Friday, January 23, 2009

I too will be taking a time out

For awhile I have felt that I wanted to write/comment and did not know what to write/comment.
I know that the Lord has asked me several times in the last few years to come away and spend time with Him. I confess I have not really responded with my whole heart. I have not given the Lord my full attention. I even doubted that I heard correctly. I know that others are also experiencing this call and are taking time away from blogging. I just read Edie's blog about taking a time out and sense that I also need to finally heed the call. So I too will be taking a time out.


Plant Lady said...


Blessings to you on your time out!

I will be looking forward to the time you will return- REFRESHED and REVIVED!

Plant Lady

Nicole said...

Bless your heart dear friend. Love you! It's all about Him. Be blessed and refreshed.

Sharon said...

Just a note to let you know how much I have missed you. I pray you are doing well. I also pray that the Lord is giving you peace, I pray that you have been able to hear his still quiet voice whispering to you, letting you know what he needs from you.
I pray that your mind is being refreshed in his word!!!
God bless
Love ya