Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends. Christmas comes to Costco! December 15, 2008 Dear Debrah, Thanks to your faithful actions, Costco is now recognizing Christmas in a big, new way! Two weeks ago, their website and store was practically absent of any references to “Christmas.” Today, you’ll find Christmas prominently featured on their website and email promotions. And, if you call their corporate offices, you’ll be greeted with “Merry Christmas from Costco!” One unnamed store manager said, “The company has received so many e-mails and complaints that they are changing all their holiday cakes to say Merry Christmas and will be saying it in the stores.” Learn which companies are celebrating Christmas with you by visiting our “Naughty and Nice” store listing today. Again, thanks for taking action. Your efforts are making a difference! We have thanked Costco on your behalf. If you'd like to thank them personally, they may be contacted through their website at |
Hmmmmm not sure what this post said, it seems to be cut out in places.
Have a blessed and Merry Christmas my sister
Hey Sharon...I copied and pasted this from an email I received...the first two sentences are almost the same color as my background...I felt that since I posted that Costco was not saying Merry Christmas I needed to post that they have changed their minds and are now saying Merry Christmas.
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